My friend Amanda is an amazing blogger and after she moved away, I have been able to catch a glimpse of her family's life through all of her great blogging. I would like to do the same with my own family, only I have been feeling like there is nothing to write about. Boy am I wrong! First off, Mason decided (all on his own) that it was time for potty training. On Superbowl Sunday he wanted his pants off and went poop on the toilet all by himself, but ever since then he has done nothing! A few weeks ago I bought a bag of dum-dum suckers (his favorite). I thought when I bought them, "well, these are sure a lot cheaper then diapers!" I bought them just because I hadn't seen such a big bag of them before and I really wanted a motivator for potty training in the future. I figured that I would try around his third birthday that is in September. He really just decided that he was ready all of a sudden. On Friday he went potty three times without needing to be prompted. He just went in the bathroom and took his diaper off and yelled "mommy!" until I came and helped him. After that I thought I would try him in underwear. I really wanted to see what would happen if he knew that there was no diaper to catch the pee. He had one accident on Saturday, which was the first day. He even went through nap with underwear on and he didn't wet the bed! I am truly amazed at how well he has done. Today is Wednesday, and he has been wearing underwear everyday and NO ACCIDENTS!! He goes in all by himself and goes. I don't even have to prompt him. WAY TO GO MASON! I am so proud of my little boy!