Trick or treating downtown

The witch, butterfly, and Spiderman!

Makyla's class went to the pumpkin patch!

Mason carving his own pumpkin

Makyla carving her pumpkin

The whole gang (except me)

And here I am (see I was digging in too!)

And the finished product. It goes Mason, Jessica, Makyla, Mark we didn't do one for Merayya. There was just a little uncarved one for her!

My first Halloween! I am a beautiful butterfly.

The witch, the butterfly, and Spiderman
Halloween was a lot of fun. We carved pumpkins the week before, and then on Halloween day we went to my old work (Enumclaw Insurance Group) and the kids trick-or-treated there. We all had fun and got a ton of sweets! Here are some pictures.
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