Saturday, May 30, 2009
Things have just been a little frustrating lately! My computer got some sort of virus and had to have a new hard drive installed. I lost some of my pictures and I am totally bummed. Then the other day I lost (or someone stole) my camera. I am wondering what is next? I just wanna scream! At least my babies are healthy and happy. Mark and I are weathering through...and there is lots of sunshine! Please be praying that things get easier!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Mark's Accident

The night before Easter I was preparing to make a cake and I realized that I didn't have all of the ingredients. P.S. I had just made a trip to Wal-Mart and somehow they didn't get into my bag! GRRR! So, on Mark's way home I was going to have him swing by and pick them up.
Instead, I got a call from Mark saying that he was cut on the face while at work and that he was on his way to the emergency room. Mark ended up getting 20 stitches and they had to cotarize an artury and now he will have a 2 inch scar on his cheek. Basically, one of the patients at his work broke the glass in his room and managed to escape outside. When Mark and another guy saw him outside they went outside to talk to him. When Mark was approaching this kid he didn't realize that the kid had a weapon (a 4" piece of glass) and the kid just slashed Mark across the face. Mark is so lucky to still be alive and that it didn't hit his eye or neck. Mark got off work that night at 11:00, and didn't make it home until 9:00 the next morning. What a night! Mark really wants a T-shirt that says "Scarface" on it, so if anyone knows where I could get one of those at...let me know! :O)
Mark's Birthday
Happy Birthday to you,

You live in a zoo,
You look like a monkey,
and you smell like one too!
Happy late Birthday Mark! I promise...your new cake is coming soon! Mark turned 27 on March 31st. We celebrated at home with a nice dinner and then the following week my mom watched the kids and we went to Stanley and Seaforts to celebrate. That is our absolute favorite place to go (that is where we got engaged...different story for a different day :O). We had such a great time! I made Mark a cake, but it never got frosted or decorated, because then I was busy making my sister's it just sat :O( So that's what I mean about a new cake is coming soon. Mark's parents also had us out for a birthday dinner a few days before his birthday.
Bethany's Birthday

My little sister turned 13 at the beginning of March, and my mom had her birthday party a few weeks ago. I made her a Twilight cake (with lots of help from her), since she is really into the Twilight books. I can't believe that my little sister is 13......that makes me 26, since I was 13 when she was born. I is crazy!!! My sister has really been a big help with my kids lately, and Merayya LOVES her! She will not leave her alone!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Corporate Asset Management Scam (
I just wanted to aware people of a company scam that is going on (and we have been victim to). Basically, a friend from church asked me if I knew that our house was listed as a foreclosure on the internet. I was shocked and was asking "are you sure that it is our house?" A friend who has been to our house verified that it was our house that they saw on the website and that it was showing on the market as a foreclosure with Mark's name listed. I asked her what website and she tipped me off to I went onto this website, and sure enough, it was listed as being "vacant" "bank owned" and in foreclosure. Upon learning this, I checked with our current lender to make sure that everything was correct. Everything was fine, payments all current, so I then went on this wild goose chase to learn about how and why this incorrect information was posted out there. Here is what I found. That is a scam company that basically charges real estate agents $299.00 for "their list" of foreclosures. Then, they give this information to agents who have paid their fee. These real estate agents basically get scammed for their money. They get bogus, made up, crap lists instead of the correct promised lists that they have paid $299.00 for. Then, (Also known as Corporate Asset Management LLC) posts these supposed foreclosures on their website. Once they are posted on their website, other websites (like take that information and add it to their listings. Then, innocent people (who have bought foreclosed homes, like us 3 years ago) get this incorrect information put out there just like that. This information was upsetting to Mark and I both. For 1: HOW EMBARRASSING!! For 2: Panic (Is something wrong with our loan, did something get screwed up from 3 years ago) and For 3: Will people believe that this is true? So, yeah, I am feeling totally peeved right now, and as far as these scamming companies: here is all of their information for everyone to see. As I feel this is appropriate to stop their scamming abilities. Oh, yeah, and I also contacted the FBI's fraud unit. Hopefully something will be done about this!
(The supposed lender)
Here is the link of what they have our house listed as:
Hopefully this link wont work in the next 24 hrs, as I have stated to Corporate Asset Management that if this is not taken off of their website in the next 24 hrs, I will be contacting an attorney.
Here is also the link to Redfin's listing if everyone wants to see that:
Also, I am hoping that this link will not work in the next 24 hrs, as I have also told them that I will be contacting an attorney if their link is not removed in the next 24 hrs.
Also, since I have purchased a foreclosed home...the correct listings are on the following website:
Please notice that this website is .gov meaning that it is ran by the government and not just anyone can post on it. There are VA foreclosures (like what we bought) and HUD foreclosures that are real and not made up or old.
God doesn't give us more than we can handle, and although I feel as if my plate is full obviously I can handle this, and I will :O)
(The supposed lender)
Here is the link of what they have our house listed as:
Hopefully this link wont work in the next 24 hrs, as I have stated to Corporate Asset Management that if this is not taken off of their website in the next 24 hrs, I will be contacting an attorney.
Here is also the link to Redfin's listing if everyone wants to see that:
Also, I am hoping that this link will not work in the next 24 hrs, as I have also told them that I will be contacting an attorney if their link is not removed in the next 24 hrs.
Also, since I have purchased a foreclosed home...the correct listings are on the following website:
Please notice that this website is .gov meaning that it is ran by the government and not just anyone can post on it. There are VA foreclosures (like what we bought) and HUD foreclosures that are real and not made up or old.
God doesn't give us more than we can handle, and although I feel as if my plate is full obviously I can handle this, and I will :O)
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Happy Birthday Mom!

Last Sunday was my mom's birthday! My sister and Mason and Makyla made her a cake and we hung out, ate nachos, and cake. :O) She is such a good grandma (or grammy) always having fun with the kids and taking care of them. Thanks mom! Oh yeah, and I wont tell everyone how old you are! (Mom says she is 33, which would have made her 7 when I was born!) Nice try mom!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
St. Patty's Day

For St. Patty's Day, Mason missed school, so I felt that I needed to make up for it by creating a fun day here (it is the teacher in me :O)) So, we had some green juice, green mac and cheese, and wore all of our green. Then for dinner we had corn beef and cabbage! MMMM!! I am loving those leftovers! Here are some pictures from our fun day.
Memories to laugh about
Makyla (the photographer) begged to take a picture of us, so here are our silly faces! 

I have been sick, so the Lord has really had me sitting in idle and watching my kids more. They really are growing and changing. I am amazed at what they can comprehend and ask. I am posting some funny things that the kids have been saying that have recently made me laugh. Now that Mason is talking more, I get to laugh more :O) I love it!
The other day the kids were eating popcorn and I was over in the playroom watching some netflix and resting. Makyla came over to me and asked:
Makyla: Mom am I going to die?
Mom: What? Why?
Makyla: You know those seeds in the bottom of the popcorn?
Mom: Yeah?
Makyla: Well, I ate one of am I going to die?
Mom: Oh, no, sweetie! Those are okay to eat...they may just hurt your teeth! Mommy loves those! (And I ate one to show her that they are okay to eat).
After Makyla went to bed I couldn't help but laugh at this!
And one more from Makyla-
We were in the grocery store and this old man was commenting on the kids being cute. He was obviously handicapped and I was trying to be polite and smile and nod my head. He kept going on and on until sweet little Makyla pipes in "MOM, YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO TALK TO STRANGERS!!!" Yeah...lets just say that put an end to that conversation!
And another from Makyla-
We were in the car headed to Makyla's other dad's house last Friday, and we were at a stoplight, so I turned around to see how she was doing and the people in the car next to us were looking at her. She said "they waved at me, so I waved at them." I said "Oh, okay." She then replied "no, that is not okay!" Hmm...then why did you do it? Children! I really was okay with it. I don't want my kids to live in total shelter. I want them to be able to be polite and wave back to someone who waves at them. According to Makyla though, it is not okay.
So, last weekend I was pretty under the weather, so my mom took Mason over to her house to watch him for me. My sister and him were in the living room watching this movie and Mason goes into the other room to tell my mom that the movie was "bad." He wouldn't watch any more of that movie. I guess that I don't have to worry about shielding him from "bad" children's movies (LOL) he will take care of that himself!
And one more from Mason-
I kept smelling poop or farts or something the other day. Merayya is the only one who has diapers so I asked Mason to smell Merayya to see if she smelled like poop. He smells the top of her head and says "no, doesn't smell too bad." I said "no, her butt." He then proceeds to smell towards her butt and says "no, doesn't smell too bad." I had to laugh. I mean, this is the child that two months ago couldn't put 2-3 word sentences together and now he is telling me "no, doesn't smell too bad." Oh yeah and this is how it really sounds: "Mo, noesn't mell toy bad." Then he proceeded to tell me that it was him farting. I am not totally sure if it was him, because if anyone around here passes gas, he always want to take credit for it! Boys! :O)
I couldn't not tell you about all of the funny things she has been doing! She sure loves her daddy. Today he was sleeping on the couch and she went over to him a few times trying to wake him up with her baby babble and rubbing his hair. She also will nod her head when you ask her questions. It is pretty funny. I will say do you want lunch and she will nod yes or no! I love it.
The other day the kids were eating popcorn and I was over in the playroom watching some netflix and resting. Makyla came over to me and asked:
Makyla: Mom am I going to die?
Mom: What? Why?
Makyla: You know those seeds in the bottom of the popcorn?
Mom: Yeah?
Makyla: Well, I ate one of am I going to die?
Mom: Oh, no, sweetie! Those are okay to eat...they may just hurt your teeth! Mommy loves those! (And I ate one to show her that they are okay to eat).
After Makyla went to bed I couldn't help but laugh at this!
And one more from Makyla-
We were in the grocery store and this old man was commenting on the kids being cute. He was obviously handicapped and I was trying to be polite and smile and nod my head. He kept going on and on until sweet little Makyla pipes in "MOM, YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO TALK TO STRANGERS!!!" Yeah...lets just say that put an end to that conversation!
And another from Makyla-
We were in the car headed to Makyla's other dad's house last Friday, and we were at a stoplight, so I turned around to see how she was doing and the people in the car next to us were looking at her. She said "they waved at me, so I waved at them." I said "Oh, okay." She then replied "no, that is not okay!" Hmm...then why did you do it? Children! I really was okay with it. I don't want my kids to live in total shelter. I want them to be able to be polite and wave back to someone who waves at them. According to Makyla though, it is not okay.
So, last weekend I was pretty under the weather, so my mom took Mason over to her house to watch him for me. My sister and him were in the living room watching this movie and Mason goes into the other room to tell my mom that the movie was "bad." He wouldn't watch any more of that movie. I guess that I don't have to worry about shielding him from "bad" children's movies (LOL) he will take care of that himself!
And one more from Mason-
I kept smelling poop or farts or something the other day. Merayya is the only one who has diapers so I asked Mason to smell Merayya to see if she smelled like poop. He smells the top of her head and says "no, doesn't smell too bad." I said "no, her butt." He then proceeds to smell towards her butt and says "no, doesn't smell too bad." I had to laugh. I mean, this is the child that two months ago couldn't put 2-3 word sentences together and now he is telling me "no, doesn't smell too bad." Oh yeah and this is how it really sounds: "Mo, noesn't mell toy bad." Then he proceeded to tell me that it was him farting. I am not totally sure if it was him, because if anyone around here passes gas, he always want to take credit for it! Boys! :O)
I couldn't not tell you about all of the funny things she has been doing! She sure loves her daddy. Today he was sleeping on the couch and she went over to him a few times trying to wake him up with her baby babble and rubbing his hair. She also will nod her head when you ask her questions. It is pretty funny. I will say do you want lunch and she will nod yes or no! I love it.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Time Stands Still
Day to day life is so busy, and I often get caught up in the oasis of dirty laundry and dirty dishes. Sometimes, God gives us moments that make our lives just stand still for a while. I really felt like that today. Let me tell you why....
Makyla has wanted this Strawberry Shortcake Nintendo DS game. She bought it with her own money online, and it came today. I spent the better half of the day teaching her how to play the game and narrating the game to her. My house needs some scrubbing....but for some reason God just gave me the peace to sit still with my daughter and feel like time has literally stopped.
Then, I tucked Mason in for bed tonight and started folding clothes. When I went to put his clothes away in his drawer I sat on the floor under his bed and started to put the clothes away. I looked up to his bed, and his little face was peering down at me through the slats in his bed. With his face still in the same position...a few minutes later...he was out cold! I just looked at him and melted.
I am just so happy to see my kids and get to enjoy them growing. Another cool thing...we are still getting snow. Today there were parts of the day where it was dumping. Luckily it was only sticking to the grass.
Makyla has wanted this Strawberry Shortcake Nintendo DS game. She bought it with her own money online, and it came today. I spent the better half of the day teaching her how to play the game and narrating the game to her. My house needs some scrubbing....but for some reason God just gave me the peace to sit still with my daughter and feel like time has literally stopped.
Then, I tucked Mason in for bed tonight and started folding clothes. When I went to put his clothes away in his drawer I sat on the floor under his bed and started to put the clothes away. I looked up to his bed, and his little face was peering down at me through the slats in his bed. With his face still in the same position...a few minutes later...he was out cold! I just looked at him and melted.
I am just so happy to see my kids and get to enjoy them growing. Another cool thing...we are still getting snow. Today there were parts of the day where it was dumping. Luckily it was only sticking to the grass.
My little one
Merayya and Kayti
Merayya was circling around Trisha's legs....over and over...
It was really funny! And kind of strange...I don't know what she was thinking!

Merayya went in for her one year old checkup and to get her immunizations last Thursday. She is currently 16 lbs. The doctor told me that she is at the point that most 7 month olds are at. I have been feeding her 3 solids a day for the last month to try to get her to pack on some pounds. She has gained weight, however, she has gotten older and moved into a new bracket of where she "should be." Most babies triple their size in the first year. She was 8 lbs 5 oz at birth, so that would put her at around 25 lbs. I am not worried about her (being that she is my third) she is thriving, crawling, happy, growing, etc. I think that she may just be a lot like me! (If you see my niece Kayti in the pictures from her birthday party...that is exactly how I looked as a kid). My sister-in-law, Trisha said that with Kayti, the doctors were constantly asking her if they were feeding Kayti, so it doesn't surprise me.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Kayti's Birthday!
Sorry...these have gotten really out of order. My niece's 9th birthday party was this last weekend. We went down to Centralia to celebrate. There is this pool there with a water slide and the kids were lucky enough that they got to go on it. None of them really know how to swim, so my brother, Marcus, was waiting in the water below to catch them. After swimming we went to my brother, Boe's house to visit and hang out, and then we decided later that evening to take the kids all skating to a place that also had a bouncy house inside. It was sure a lot of fun. (In fact, we are still re-couping from it!)
Makyla coming out, and uncle Marcus catching her

Friday, February 27, 2009
Mason shoveling the snow in the grass. I really don't know why! :O)
Too bright!
Mason trying to ride his four wheel power wheel in the snow (it was hilarious...all the tires were packed with snow and wouldn't turn!

Merayya's new car from her birthday
Our pretty tree

I am so grateful that we got the opportunity to have snow again this year! I got some cute pictures of the kids in it! This was Merayya's first time being in it. When we had snow earlier this Winter it was way to cold for her to go out in it! (It was not only snowy, but we also had a wind storm warning and were expected to lose power) I will upload some pictures as soon as I get a new battery!
Merayya's first birthday!
The cake
Finally...a taste!

Blow the candle!
Okay, so these got mixed up....right here she is waiting for a taste
This is fun!
Still fun!'s not fun any more!
I'm done!

Time for presents!
New car and a new bear
Mama reading the card to Merayya

Last Friday Merayya turned one! I know...time has literally flown by. I can't upload the pictures now, my camera needs a new battery, but as soon as I get a new one they will be on here. We had a party for her Saturday, and it was awesome! In this past year we have seen a little cutie pie emerge, and we are excited to get to see how she is in the years to come.
Dear Merayya,
You are the biggest blessing to our family. We couldn't have asked for a better addition. You don't mind when Makyla packs you around the house and Mason tries to do so also! When you were born we waited an extra 5 days for you to come, and you were well worth that wait. You have the sweetest smile, the biggest blue eyes, and the most darling laugh. Yesterday, you were making mommy and daddy laugh at you as you played with daddy and were crawling all over his head. You love to snuggle, be tickled, and tease people. You are such a big tease! God couldn't have given us a greater gift. We adore you!
Mommy and Daddy
Dear Merayya,
You are the biggest blessing to our family. We couldn't have asked for a better addition. You don't mind when Makyla packs you around the house and Mason tries to do so also! When you were born we waited an extra 5 days for you to come, and you were well worth that wait. You have the sweetest smile, the biggest blue eyes, and the most darling laugh. Yesterday, you were making mommy and daddy laugh at you as you played with daddy and were crawling all over his head. You love to snuggle, be tickled, and tease people. You are such a big tease! God couldn't have given us a greater gift. We adore you!
Mommy and Daddy
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