Merayya went in for her one year old checkup and to get her immunizations last Thursday. She is currently 16 lbs. The doctor told me that she is at the point that most 7 month olds are at. I have been feeding her 3 solids a day for the last month to try to get her to pack on some pounds. She has gained weight, however, she has gotten older and moved into a new bracket of where she "should be." Most babies triple their size in the first year. She was 8 lbs 5 oz at birth, so that would put her at around 25 lbs. I am not worried about her (being that she is my third) she is thriving, crawling, happy, growing, etc. I think that she may just be a lot like me! (If you see my niece Kayti in the pictures from her birthday party...that is exactly how I looked as a kid). My sister-in-law, Trisha said that with Kayti, the doctors were constantly asking her if they were feeding Kayti, so it doesn't surprise me.
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