Makyla (the photographer) begged to take a picture of us, so here are our silly faces!

I have been sick, so the Lord has really had me sitting in idle and watching my kids more. They really are growing and changing. I am amazed at what they can comprehend and ask. I am posting some funny things that the kids have been saying that have recently made me laugh. Now that Mason is talking more, I get to laugh more :O) I love it!
The other day the kids were eating popcorn and I was over in the playroom watching some netflix and resting. Makyla came over to me and asked:
Makyla: Mom am I going to die?
Mom: What? Why?
Makyla: You know those seeds in the bottom of the popcorn?
Mom: Yeah?
Makyla: Well, I ate one of am I going to die?
Mom: Oh, no, sweetie! Those are okay to eat...they may just hurt your teeth! Mommy loves those! (And I ate one to show her that they are okay to eat).
After Makyla went to bed I couldn't help but laugh at this!
And one more from Makyla-
We were in the grocery store and this old man was commenting on the kids being cute. He was obviously handicapped and I was trying to be polite and smile and nod my head. He kept going on and on until sweet little Makyla pipes in "MOM, YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO TALK TO STRANGERS!!!" Yeah...lets just say that put an end to that conversation!
And another from Makyla-
We were in the car headed to Makyla's other dad's house last Friday, and we were at a stoplight, so I turned around to see how she was doing and the people in the car next to us were looking at her. She said "they waved at me, so I waved at them." I said "Oh, okay." She then replied "no, that is not okay!" Hmm...then why did you do it? Children! I really was okay with it. I don't want my kids to live in total shelter. I want them to be able to be polite and wave back to someone who waves at them. According to Makyla though, it is not okay.
So, last weekend I was pretty under the weather, so my mom took Mason over to her house to watch him for me. My sister and him were in the living room watching this movie and Mason goes into the other room to tell my mom that the movie was "bad." He wouldn't watch any more of that movie. I guess that I don't have to worry about shielding him from "bad" children's movies (LOL) he will take care of that himself!
And one more from Mason-
I kept smelling poop or farts or something the other day. Merayya is the only one who has diapers so I asked Mason to smell Merayya to see if she smelled like poop. He smells the top of her head and says "no, doesn't smell too bad." I said "no, her butt." He then proceeds to smell towards her butt and says "no, doesn't smell too bad." I had to laugh. I mean, this is the child that two months ago couldn't put 2-3 word sentences together and now he is telling me "no, doesn't smell too bad." Oh yeah and this is how it really sounds: "Mo, noesn't mell toy bad." Then he proceeded to tell me that it was him farting. I am not totally sure if it was him, because if anyone around here passes gas, he always want to take credit for it! Boys! :O)
I couldn't not tell you about all of the funny things she has been doing! She sure loves her daddy. Today he was sleeping on the couch and she went over to him a few times trying to wake him up with her baby babble and rubbing his hair. She also will nod her head when you ask her questions. It is pretty funny. I will say do you want lunch and she will nod yes or no! I love it.