Monday, July 28, 2008

Children's Museum

Mark and I before we went home

Merayya's newest face!
...and again
Painting with the kids

Mason's favorite part
All of us waiting for the train to take us back to the car for lunch
Mason and Makyla on "Joy"Down on the Tacoma waterfront

Merayya in the baby area!

Mark and the kids playing a game
All three of us painting
Makyla and Mason painting
More painting What's wrong with this picture?

Mason and Makyla riding the train...yipee!
Mark riding the train
Mason playing "garden

1 comment:

Mama G said...

I LOVE all the photos!! What great pics! What a fun time you guys had in Tacoma, i really missed home when I saw that first pic of you two with the Tacoma Dome behind you. I got a good laugh of the pic of the big kids sleeping and little merraya wide awake! Oh and i'm so glad that you and Mark got to get out and have a date night, that is so important and i'm sure you two had a blast...we miss you guys!